the love of my life
aucheya is my wife, my best friend, my spiritual partner, and absolutely everything to me! we've been together for 5 years and married for 3 of those, but known each other for much longer than that. she's been essential to my journey as a person and I could never imagine my life without her. our anniversary is may 6th!about aucheya
aucheya is one of the warmest people I know - she has this quiet charisma that tends to draw people to her and make them open up to her, amplified by the fact that she's so incredibly kind to everyone. she's so naturally polite and elegant, she's always honest with people and has such a heart for seeing people be their best selves - but at the same time she's so passionate about what she believes in and is never afraid to stand up for others or herself. she's such a wise person and always has so much toaucheya is afro-indigenous, and one of the few people in my life who I've been able to connect with in my life about indigenous experiences and the struggle of diaspora. she's also the butch to my femme, and I've adored seeing her explore herself as a butch and experiment with her gender, and learn a lot about herself in the process. she's amazing, and I always love being around her and spending time with her.
the two of us met when we were really young, and both going through a lot of trauma in our lives. we were able to bond and become best friends at the time, and through that we've seen each other grow and change a lot both before getting together and throughout our relationship. I've loved seeing her grow into someone confident in herself and what she loves, and I will eternally be grateful for how much she's been there for me in the time we've known each other.
things aucheya likes!
days since we've been married!
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