"I'm doing this for us. So that
both of us can be safe, forever."
I don't really consider myself much of a gamer, so getting into baldur's gate 3 was very new for me. I'd heard about the romance options and was interested in pursuing them while I played - what I didn't expect was to fall absolutely head over heels for these two, and to add them to my yume roster in a very special way! astarion and karlach are, for me, what's known in madd and general immersive dreaming circles as a "veritbond" or "verit." a verit is a para within your paracosm that you are extremely close with in a way that's unique to other paras, like a partner or close friend. these two are a very active part of our paracosms, where the 3 of us are in a triad, and they're so so special to me. both of them are caregivers to me as a little, and my life with them makes me very happy. this shrine will talk about both of them and a little of what they mean to me!
I remember being put off by Astarion at first - because he reminded me a lot of myself. as someone who survived a very similar structure of organized abuse, I saw in the things he was struggling with a mirror of myself, and when he started opening up to me about it, it was something I was immediately able to understand. He didn't believe at first that my general tendency to be kind and genuine was real - but overtime, we began to understand each other, and start to trust in each other as people searching for safety and love.It's a joy to watch him grow and become genuinely himself after so long of putting on a facade. He's still very charming and witty, but his confidence has become more genuine, and he's shown a lot more empathy and trust for people. We've started to tell each other everything, and he's as invested in keeping me safe and happy as I am in him. He's genuinely often very sweet and protective, wanting to take care of me even though he still struggles with being vulnerable at times.
I join him adventuring sometimes, where he's started to have vested interest in helping other people who have struggled like him. we have a very similar, sarcastic sense of humor, and it's very easy to joke together and laugh with him. he makes me feel safe - with him I feel genuinely loved, and like I'm with someone who understands what I'm going through and will support me even when it's hard. I'd do anything I could to keep him safe and help him grow, and I've come to trust that he would do the same for me, no matter what.
karlach is someone that, to me, is so easy to fall in love with. from the beginning her genuine kind and sweet nature made me feel safe with her. she was easy to open up to about my own struggles, and in turn I began to learn hers.grief is something we both know well - the grief of losing health, autonomy, and life to your body and to people who have hurt you. I really admired, and still do, her desire and ability to be kind and loving in spite of what she's been through. she has such a genuine spirit, and it's something I want to see thrive in until the very end. I went on a very long quest in my paracosm to fix her heart, because I wanted her to be free - and, selfishly, because I couldn't bear the idea of losing her.
she's so easy to talk to, and she always listens whenever I'm struggling in anything. her silly, upbeat sense of humor always cheers me up and she is so genuinely loving, always there to give a hug and to take me somewhere to help distract me. she's often willing to help me participate in my wide variety of weird hobbies, and makes me feel loved in all of them.
she cares about both me and astarion so much, and is often a balance when the two of us tend to be cynical and sarcastic. she helps keep us in line, and always has stories to tell from her own adventures. she's such a bright soul, and when I'm with her I tend to feel like everything is going to be okay. like it's all going to be worth it because she's there.
I wouldn't necessarily say I think of yumejoshi as a lifestyle - however, I will say my relationship with these two is a big part of my life right now, and I'm so grateful for them. living life with them helps the hard times worth it and the good times so much more joyful. thank you both for loving me so deeply and for making me feel so safe - I often hope that it will be just the 3 of us forever, until the end of the world 🩷

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