I love you!
this is just a shrine dedicated to little notes of love and appreciation for my amazing friends, both irl and online!
hollis!! my close friend of a while now who is so much fun! I love talking to him always and hearing him talk about things that are important to him, and I've seen her grow a lot in the time we've known each other! favorite kitty cat ever. the caligula friend. heart of gold.
blue!! aka the blue garden collective, one of my bestest friends. one of the strongest people I know, has been through so much and accomplished so much to be wbere they are now. I am always so proud of them! my official spiritual twin. fellow aquarius weirdo. lover of aliens and all things in the stars.
allister!! my friend who is so strong and an amazing backbone to the people he loves. I love how passionate he is about his interests and about learning new things he gets interested in. filthy elsword player. red hair anime boy. knower of all medication related things.
misha!! my friendly little creature who I think of as a little brother. he is always doing his best and I need him to know I'm proud of him. if you're reading this I'm putting you in my purse. strange ink creature. certified author fanatic. the blob from beyond.
krish!! my friend who is so kind and thoughtful, and the pinkest princess ever. they understand the poc + immigrant family struggle and I think they have wonderful insight on so many subjects. princess of pink kingdom. certifiably eepy. in a castle in my heart.
mala!! a very cool webmaster who I think has such a kind heart and spirit. she has such nice things to say about the subjects she loves that I think are so good to learn from, and is such a good leader. the real life goth princess. possibly kuromi irl. a soft pillow.
eve-marie!! she has the cutest art ever and also makes such pretty designs! I love her passion for her f/os and her determination to keep going even when things are hard. fellow internet angel. reminds me of feathers. official rose scent of all time.
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