my wonderful siren

mihael is my boyfriend! I've known him for many years, but we finally started dating in 2023 and I love him with all my heart. he's been a big part of my life and I'm so thankful for having met him. our anniversary is february 9th!
about mihael
mihael has always been very different from me! he's very outgoing and social, as well as very fun loving - he loves traveling and being outside, and he's always ready to drop everything to go out and do something fun. he's very blunt and always speaks his mind, and he's really good at leading a group. when we first met, I was still struggling to form my own identity outside of my trauma and my illnesses - he was someone who really encouraged me to be myself and to be unashamed of it, even when I was incredibly depressed. he has a way of bringing out laughter in people, and he loves to meet new people and be in groups.
I've always admired his ability to go out and accomplish anything he wants, and to draw people in regardless of where he is. he's always been someone willing to see and accept me as I am, and work with me to see me be my best self - that's always been something I love about him, and that makes him easy to talk to and spend time with regardless of how I feel. he's so passionate about everything he does and is such a free spirit, and that always inspires me to try and be authentic and free as well.
we had wanted to date for a while now, but because I was struggling with confusion about my sexuality and what I wanted, it ended up being a "situationship" for a while. I'm so happy we were finally able to get together, and I'm so appreciative of the comfort, passion, and joy he brings to my life.
things mihael likes
days we've been dating
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